Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Aftermath

What a Crazy Christmas! Beth got some weird kind of simple video camera for the family & this is an early attempt.

Oddly enough I am thankful for my sister in law Rebecca for putting me on to Dave Ramsey the financial advisor. She sent me his book & Cd's & almost a year ago & I have implemented much of his plan. I'm still in the early stages & I need to increase my income & try to decrease my outgo this year. But this is the first Christmas since we've been married that we have had a budget for Christmas & we didn't go over it! So thank you Rebecca, your encouragement has brought great peace to our house.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Sunday Sentiments - Week in Review

  • It actually 'FELT' like Christmas Sunday - cold & windy!

  • The Flu has come to visit CWW - The gift that keeps on giving :-(
  • Welcome to the CWW Family Karon Kirkland!
  • Thomas Williams is a fountain of youth to 'Grandpa' Jim
  • Norma's Chicken Noodle Soup is legendary...No flu can stand up to it!
  • Calvin Lynch is a trooper. He is so faithful to being in God's house
  • Kyle Sleeper makes a killer Quesadilla!
  • The "Incarnation" crashes my hard drive
  • I want to be as moved by the cross as Jim Williams is
  • Thanks Norma for the craft session with the girls! They LOVED it!
  • Everyone should have the experience of Christmas shopping with Andy & David Dziadul
  • Baby Ben is growing lots of hair! It is too cute
  • "God walked down the stairs of heaven with a Baby in His arms."
    - Paul Scherer
  • He became what we are that he might make us what he is. -Athanasius
  • Congrats McKies - CWW's newest Land Barons!
  • The mystery of Christ, that He sunk Himself into our flesh, is beyond all human understanding. -Martin Luther
  • The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God. -C.S. Lewis
  • I would like to ask Him if He was indeed virgin born, because the answer to that question would define history.– Larry King
  • Thanks to all who made the "Magi Ministry" a success! We were able to bless 4 CWW families!
  • Mia's music ministry Sunday was a worship experience for me
  • We'll see y'all on Christmas Eve!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Finding your P.L.A.C.E.

It has begun! CWW is 'Getting in Gear' for the new year! Here's what YOU need to do to engage in CWW's GiG drive:

  • Complete your PLACE assessment tool (click on the PLACE to do this on line for $5.95)

  • Call or e-mail Pastor Paul to set an appointment to begin the adventure of GiG

  • Step out & 'Get in Gear' for the New Year

  • I hope to have a 125 GiG church in 09 - 125 members...all engaged in serving God through their Spiritual Gift.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday Sentiments

Commentary on both the Thanksgiving Service & Holiday plus Sunday

  • Feast on the WORD & Then on the BIRD...last time you'll hear that until NEXT year!

  • The McCarroll's did a GREAT job on the 100th Psalm...I especially appreciate their eagerness to participate.Connor has the makings of a great speaking voice...strong, confident, & clear

  • God's providence is a bit mind boggling

  • Tim Duncan was a great stand in for President Bush

  • Cooking on Wednesday for Thanksgiving is a great idea...thanks Darlene Creath!

  • lesson learned: Frozen turkey won't thaw in the fridge in 3 days

  • Lesson 2: Semi Frozen turkey cooked upside down on low in the smoker for 12 hours makes one delicious meal

  • Lesson 3: Don't forget to remove the innerds bag

  • My wine marinated cream cheese filled bacon wrapped venison roll ups were worth the panic attack I had while buying the wine at Walmart.

  • I was a little depressed that the check out girl didn't ask for my I.D...Am I really that old looking?...Don't answer that

  • I LOVE a full house & a long table

  • My little boys had matching shirts for Thanksgiving service & feast - Beth loves that kind of stuff

  • Kyle Sleeper could read for books on tape. His reading of the Puritan Thanksgiving Prayer seemed like it was his own prayer

  • It was great to see David Creath again...He is a dear brother in Christ

  • I officially apologize to Zack for busting on him in Sunday school for reading out of the New Century Version which was actually MY Bible

  • Everyone had very 'real world' examples in Sunday School today...way to go!

  • It amazes me how Sunday School & the morning Sermon seem to compliment each other

  • Again, Hayward really encouraged me during the sermon...could it be a spiritual gift?

  • Mia, your comment after church was a Holy Spirit confirmation as was Paul Jr's comment as well

  • The believers at Ephesus were a group of lying, hot headed, thieving, foul mouthed, unforgiving SAINTS! Eph. 4:24-ff

  • Stealing takes many forms & we are all guilty of it daily

  • Work is not a curse but a blessing

  • We need to Cultivate Contentment, Destroy Doubt, & Fight in Faith

  • God's Word is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO relevant

  • Thank you to the young men who manned the umbrellas today

  • Thanks to the A/V crew: Shawn, Paul, Seth, & guys do a great job

A Future CWW Usher

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Stepping Out

Well, it's begun. I don't know whether to celebrate or mourn. Ben has taken his first steps. I've warned the kids over & over that once he starts walking all of us would be very busy following him. But they didn't listen. Paul Jr. set Ben up against the couch & then put his hands out. Ben took three confident steps to his eldest brother. We all cheered loudly and frightened the little fella.
Yep, Ben is stepping out...& we're all stepping up our vigilance.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turkey Shoot @ Lake Wildwood

Last Saturday, LWW had a 'Turkey Shoot' at the spillway. No, you don't actually shoot at a least not a real one. You stand back about 40 yards and shoot at a paper target of a turkey silhouette with a red circle in the vital area around the neck & head. We use these targets to sight in our turkey guns. I've always enjoyed any kind of shooting sports & add in a bit of competition & I'm there. Apparently, so are a bunch of other people as there were a lot of men, women, boys & girls that showed up from 1 - 3 pm. Zack & I got there just a few minutes after 1 pm. Most of this kind of shooting is luck as we were using dove shot (very small pellets) with an open choke (very wide pattern) shotgun.
I was fortunate as 35 pellets pierced the red circle on my target. They took my name & recorded my shot. I was the 3rd person to shoot but I had the most of those 3. Later that day, around 4 - my wife called me and asked, "Is this the sharp shooting Pastor in Wildwood?" I said, "don't tell me I won that Turkey Shoot." "You sure did, first place! They just dropped off a turkey & a gift card to Bass Pro." The funny thing is that as Zack & I pulled away I told him that if I somehow won this contest that I would be banned from any & all LWW competitions in the future seeing I won the biggest loser two weeks ago & the turkey shoot this week!
Go figure...God is good.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday Sentiments 11/23/08

One Pastor's thoughts on "Sunday with the Saints"
Worn Out Wardrobe Series #2 Anger Eph. 4:26-27
Download the sermon at

  • It was WARM this week!
  • Paul & Zack are such a 'behind the scenes' blessing
  • Speaking of 'B.T.S.' saints: Shawn, Cherie, Jim, Norma, Tammy, Andy, Dave, Kelly & many more!
  • Last minute Warriors Award: Dale Lancaster & Kyle Sleeper! - These guys have GREAT voices
  • The morning Sermon made me MAD!!!
  • Anger is one letter from Danger
  • Righteous Anger is:
  • God Centered
  • Slow to rise
  • Not about me or my rights
  • is mingled with grief - Mark 3:5
  • It was great to have four families visiting today!
  • CWW Has the BEST buffet in Macon!
  • Sunday School is a blessing & I love the interaction & Q&A format
  • Hayward was a huge encouragement to me today
  • No I wasn't in any of your houses this week...the sermon topic was just that universal
  • Gone to bed angry lately?
  • CWW has some salty believers
  • Jim's wisdom is refreshing
  • The ladies fellowship group needs to cough up the cookies...really
  • Norma's graham cracker almond bars need to be a weekly item on the CWW menu
  • We had a lot of babies today...I love babies
  • We'll see you all on Thursday at the Thanksgiving Service @10 am: Feast on the WORD & then on the BIRD!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Lake Wildwood's Biggest Loser

Well, I've been called it before but this time I've earned it & it comes with a prize!
This is me Saturday at 183 lbs. I haven't seen that since the early 1990's. Below is a pic taken right before we started in May and I was at 220 lbs
The credit really does go to my wife who did all the reseach & delivery of our new lifestyle. It does feel good to be LWW's Biggest Loser!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.

Colossians 2:14

Sunday Sentiments

Random Thoughts about the Church of the Wildwood's Worship - 11/16/08

  • I need to act on Glen's October ideas in October
  • It is REALLY cold on the LWW beach in mid-November
  • My son's are troopers to work with/for/around me
  • Dale Lancaster, Cal & Shawn Lynch, & Hayward & Andrew McKie & David Dziadul are my mighty men - faithful to a fault
  • Dale needs to get a jacket! (Mike Glaze Jr.)

  • Norma got all the food stuff ready early Sunday even though she had a big headache...Gotta love Norma!
  • I love Jim but not his Gators knit hat!

  • Church on the beach works better in the Summer

  • Praise God for 70 plus Zealots who braved the cold & wind

  • Calvary was raw
  • My forgiveness is forever (bonfire anyone?)

  • I am crucified with Christ...
  • Remember...

  • CWW is the eatingest Church I body does it better than us
  • Gospel part one: I'm not all right & neither are you

  • Gospel part two: Christ is alllllllllllll right

  • Gospel part three: God exchanged Christ's righteousness for our wretchedness

  • My throat hurts after that sermon
  • Sam wanted to know why I was mad at everyone at church today (I think this was related to the loud sermon)

  • I love the cross
  • The ground is level at the foot of the cross

  • Today was a GREAT chili day!
  • Happy Birthday Cherie!

  • Happy Birthday Dale! (Tuesday)

  • Happy Birthday Phil! - (Thursday)

  • No Jan, I don't hate you (Jan LOVES the cold...really)

  • Thanks Bob for the Lww help

  • are a miracle...God is watching out for you

  • CWW is full of Zealots!
  • I'm praying for my buddy Ray...Thanks for coming today.

  • I love my church
  • Next Sunday...we're gonna be WARM BABY!
  • Your Pastor is the biggest loser in Lake Wildwood

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Well Hello to You Too!

Ever wonder how dogs & babies communicate? Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Anna took this picture & I just love it! At our encouragement, she's entering it into several photo contests.
I laugh every time I see it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Corned Venison

You have to try this! It is FANTASTIC! I've only done the wet version but I'd like to try the dry version. Let me know how it works for you.

Deli-Style Corned Venison

4 – 6 lb. Venison

5 T Morton Tender Quick

2 T Brown Sugar

1 T Course Ground Black Pepper

1 tsp. Ground Paprika

1 tsp. Ground Bay Leaves

1 tsp. Ground Allspice

½ tsp. Garlic Powder

Trim surface tallow from brisket (or any other cut of meat, the neck works well). In a small bowl, mix Morton Tender Quick & remaining ingredients. Rub mixture into all sides of brisket. Place brisket in a plastic bag & allow to cure 5 days per inch of meat thickness, turning the bag over daily. Place cured brisket in Dutch oven, add water to cover, bring to a boil, and reduce heat. Simmer until tender; about 3 to 4 hours.

Here are the ingredients to make up to 6 gallons of corning liquids. If this is too much, cut the recipe in half or if too little, double it.

10 ounces of sugar

2 1/2 ounces of sodium nitrate

3 pounds of salt

3 level teaspoons of pepper

1 level teaspoon of ground cloves

6 bay leaves

12 level teaspoons of mixed pickling spice If you care for onions, mince one onion 3 inches in diameter

If you care for garlic, mince 4 garlic cloves.

Put the ingredients into a pickle crock or glass jar and add enough water to make a total of 6 gallons including the ingredients. The ideal temperature for corning meat is 38 degrees. During the fall or spring months this is not too difficult to get. In the you can use an unheated part of your basement for corning meat. During hot summer months it is hard to find a place around 38 degrees. Higher temperatures will not affect the end result of your corning at all but for every 15 degrees of a higher temperature than about 38 degrees, add one-third more salt. At about 83 degrees for example, add 3 more pounds of salt making a total of 6 pounds of salt used.

(I put it in the fridge for 4-5 weeks)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Sentiments

A few random thoughts about Sunday at CWW...
  • Jim Williams' teaching is a Spiritual Gift that comforts & builds me up
  • It was COLD in the church at 7:45 am!
  • Elizabeth Pohl gave me her 'Sermon Notes' after church...I love that kid
  • Kara sat at our table to feed Ben...She'll make a great Momma one day
  • The Worship music was just excellent today...WTG Sleepers!
  • Tim's guitar solo was spot on and nerve wracking for him I'm sure!
  • Corned Venison is AWESOME!
  • CWW has the best buffet in Macon...the Baptists got nothing on us in the food department
  • It was great to meet the McCarroll's friends from Locust Grove today
  • Elizabeth Langston's big 'little brother' Johnathan was in church today...good to see extended family
  • Alethia - anyone remember?
  • Is it ever right to lie? Rahab anyone?
  • There was a good spirit amongst us today.
  • I'm thankful for people who are really engaged in the teaching of God's Word
  • It is great to see men disagree agreeably & with passion yet still walk away brothers who are committed to doing life together
  • Opened the revival service at County Line Church tonight...they have a lot of history in that church which is fascinating
  • Dr. Mike Halsey is a gracious man with a great 'voice' - easy to listen to
  • Zack played the offertory tonight at the revival service...His gift is both a joy and deep comfort to me
  • Ben was WILD tonight
  • Being away to preach is great but it also makes me love CWW & our people all the more.
  • God has blessed us as a church & I am privileged to do life with a great bunch of salty Christ Followers
  • Next Sunday: CHURCH ON THE BEACH!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

9 Pointer & Coffee

Paul Jr. & I were drawn for a quota hunt on Rum Creek wma. I put in for it because it is so close to our house. It started Wednesday morning. I was going to Meet Dan Murphy that morning for coffee around 9:30 so I decided to go watch the sun rise from my deer stand & then meet up with Dan. About 8 am I had had enough. I climbed down from my stand packed it up & walked to my truck. I put my stand in the back of the truck & was just about to unload my rifle when I remembered a little trail just up the path. I figured I still had some time to kill & I'd do some scouting.
I took three steps up the hill & glanced up. There standing broadside at about 60 yards was this buck. He had to have watched me load my stand.
I thought he'd move when I raised my rife but he didn't.
One shot, He never took a step.
The coffee at the McCarroll's was great & I still made it by nine am...I just had to wash my hands first.
This is my second buck of the season & I've taken two does as well. What a great years so far!

Monday, November 3, 2008

You've Gotta Try It!

Really Simple Budgeting

Pear Budget is a phenomenal resource that I stumbled across thanks to my lovely bride who sent be to a blog on the envelope system. In this blog was a link to the Pear Budget resource. It is EXACTLY what I was looking for & I think you will LOVE it. They have a free trial for 30 days. Give it a test drive & then sign up for the year. It's only $3 a month with 2 months free if you pay by the year. When you do sign up PLEASE use my e-mail as a referral -

Check it out today.

Sunday Sentiments 11/2/08

  • I LOVE time change (at least the first day of it)!
  • We didn't 'catch' any of the 'worship only' crowd in Sunday School this year...I kind of missed that
  • Hayward made me laugh as he got tickled at himself reading that last two verses of Genesis 22 in Morning Worship...(don't laugh until YOU'VE tried it)
  • The 'give & take' dialogue of Sunday School is great!
  • Mia nailed the harmony on "Take My Life" and that really did it for me
  • Zack did great in following me "on the fly" as I extended the last worship song...I knew he could handle it & now so does he!
  • The babies were LOUD today...& I loved it...Real life folks
  • "Which Man are you Wearing?" - get the cd if you don't know what I'm talking about
  • It was great to meet Karon's sister Sharon & her son!
  • I'm really missing some of our AWOL know who you are
  • Lunch on the beach (hospitality Sunday) was beautiful
  • Kyle & Glen need to embrace "real wood" grilling...(ask them about it)
  • Minnasooootins know brats...kudos to Kyle
  • It was great to see Dan Murphy in God's house after being so sick
  • I missed seeing my folks in the 3rd pew to the left (Dad's chainsaw incident...more on that later)
  • Jan's secret sister idea ROCKS! (I'm no sister & that's no secret but the way she's doing the S.S. thing is tops)
  • I'm so thankful that God's Word does not return void
  • It was great to meet Aubry's friend John. He didn't own a Bible & I gave him a pew Bible. He is a great young man.
  • Jim William's presence is an encouragement.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sam's 1st Deer

The beast is dead...let there be meat! I decided to take Sam hunting with me Monday evening as it was windy & any 'extra noise' made by a 3 year old would be masked by the wind. We hiked to a box stand overlooking a beautiful food plot. Sam climbed right up & was excited to actually be deer hunting with Dad.

He was great about talking in a whisper. We even practiced standing still in the corner in case Daddy saw a deer (which I doubted with the wind & Sam noise all around) Sam played with an old wasp nest & spider web. You'd be amazed what a kid can do with such 'toys'. He ate graham crackers & enjoyed drinking from my hydration pack. He also enjoyed looking through my "spotting scope".

Sam was in the middle of telling me that deer can climb trees when I saw movement on the logging road to my right. I could see a deer behind some pine branches. Sam did just like we practiced & stood stock still in the corner. When I placed my rifle on the window sill, I made a bump & the deer was alerted. I quickly leaned into my rifle to view it through the scope. Another 'bump'! I figured it was over but instead of bolting away, this curious buck stepped out for a better look at the source of all that 'bumping'.

I immediately counted 8 points, dropped the cross hairs to his front shoulder & squeezed the trigger. He dropped right there in the road. "Did you got him?" was Sam's excited yet sort of whispered question. I picked him up & let him see the deer laying in the road. Sam headed right for the ladder. When we got to him, Sam went right over & touched the eye (which every seasoned hunter knows is how you check for life). When he was satisfied that the buck was down he looked up at me & said, "We got a nice buck Dad!"
We walked the trail back to camp to get the deer cart. I put Sam in the cart & rolled him back to the deer. Then I put the buck & Sam on the cart for the trek back. Thankfully Paul Jr. heard the shot & showed up as I was trudging back to camp.
Last night was the stuff of dreams. The buck is a great 8 point chocolate Georgia deer but the hunt was the real trophy. Oddly enough, I was nearly overwhelmed with a sense of God's favor. Just as Sam looked at me with amazement, I too look at my Father in heaven with the same wonder.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Opening Day Harvest

A huge opening day doe
Today was opening day of rifle season in the Peach State. God has so blessed me with 450 acres of prime hunting land this year. Paul Jr. & I were up before 5 am this morning & we headed out to Forsyth. In the a.m. hunt, Jr. had a doe right under his stand on the wrong side. After nearly an hour she caught his scent & left the area. I saw some amazing birds that morning but no deer. This evening Jr. was again harassed by the SAME DEER & was still unable to get a shot. Now it is personal & he's going back but will hang his stand on a different tree.
I hunted from "the Library" stand. A 20 foot climb on stand set right in a transition strip between some small planted pines (the deer bedroom) and a hardwoods bottom (deer dinning room). I was bushed as Jr. & I walked for several miles in the middle of the day doing some scouting. Long about 7pm I had that weird feeling that I was being watched. I looked to my left & a doe was staring at me. She knew I didn't smell right & that I shouldn't have been up that tree but she walked out anyway. I had just awakened from a nap & I didn't even have my rifle in my hands. As soon as her head was behind a tree, I quickly picked up my rifle which she heard & she began to trot. She stopped in some very thick bushes. I thought I could see her through my scope but your eyes play tricks on you in the evening light. But sure enough, she flashed that white tail. As she began a slow walk away, I put my scope in the only place I could have a shot & she went right there on cue & then STOPPED DEAD BROADSIDE! I really wanted to get home to watch the Red Sox whip the Rays but I just couldn't pass it up. I squeezed the trigger & she ran about 25 yards & I heard her fall.
I found her about 15 minutes later with the light fading fast. She fell in a hole in the creek edge about 3 feet deep. She was so big that I couldn't even get her out of the hole. So I set one of my reflective clothes pins on a branch over the hole & I went to get Jr. & the deer cart.
When I reached the truck, Jr. was just about there already. He had heard my shot & was coming to help. I love that about Paul. He is always anticipating what needs to be done & he just does it. I told him tonight that this trait will serve him well in his life.
My dear friend & brother, Don Metcalfe & his son Josiah, each took a deer today too. I called to congratulate him & he invited me to come & process my deer at his place as he was all set up.
What a HUGE BLESSING!!! Don is amazingly gifted in so many physical tasks. I learned so much tonight just by watching & helping him.
This doe weighed well over 100 pounds. We all estimate between 125-135 lbs. That is huge for Georgia. The meat wouldn't even fit in my extra large cooler. The hams weighed over 20 lbs each!
Thank you Lord for a great day with my son in your creation & for providing meat for our table & friends to be so blessed by.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Watchman Nee

Watchman Nee was an interesting & salty disciple of Christ. His eastern mindset & logic 'flavors' so much of his writing. I have yet to read ANYONE who understands grace & faith like this man. The vast majority of his work is centered around Romans 6, 7, & 8.
His book, The Normal Christian Life, is a classic & should be read annually by EVERY BELIEVER. As with so many great men, Nee got off a little in his later life. This book was written in what is called 'the middle years' which produced some of his best works. Please let me encourage all of you to check out Nee's Writings online. His disciple "Witness Lee" is now a cult leader. I would caution you not to delve into his writings which are available on this site as well.
I've been teaching on Romans 6 & 7 for the past three weeks. This thought just came to me late Saturday night: "The Law CANNOT EXTEND Grace to you but it can ESCORT you to Grace". The most loving thing God can do is to see to it that sin wins out every time I set out to "do good" in the flesh - ie with out reliance/trust in Christ. I told the church Sunday that Romans 7 is the best bad news you'll ever hear. We fail when we go about the Christian life from the resources of the flesh - Romans 7:14. Go check out that message on the Church of the Wildwood website.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Eight Years & Counting

CWW's 'New' Sign in the Spring
Eight years ago on October the 3rd we arrived in Lake Wildwood with a u-haul pulling a station wagon. The group that assembled to unload us would have been a great advertisement for AARP. Not one of them was under 65. Some were in their late 70's. I learned real quick that these folks were hard workers & young for their respective ages. The thrill of standing in that pulpit that first Sunday of October 2000 was amazing! We had around 50 folks that comprised our Sunday Morning crowd. Man did I have plans to explode that church & become the next mega church in Macon. My philosophy was a blend of Willow Creek & Saddleback - 'Willowback' if you will. Well, it's eight years later & the only thing that's been exploded is my vision & I have realized that I am a Mega Mess. We grew to a high of a 125 average and a low of around 40 average. Of the original congregation that was here when I came, I can count on one hand those that are left.
We're pushing 100 again & I must say that we probably have the most diverse & interesting congregation that you could imagine. My pulpit philosophy has done a complete 180 along with much of my theology in the past 8 years. Now I delight in expository preaching every week. It is much harder work on one hand & easier on the other.
I love the study, sermon developing, service construction & the preaching. I enjoy the fellowship with my people & especially being able to help them in times of need. The rest of ministry I do not enjoy very much. I see the need for solid administration but doing it daily is one of the most joy sucking parts of my day. Some days are entirely dedicated to this task & frankly, I'd rather eat ground glass. God has given me many people with the gift of administration & I do delegate as much of those tasks as possible but I have discovered that even that delegating needs administration!
Well, now I'm rambling. I don't know what the next 8 years at Wildwood will bring. If its anything like the first 8 then I don't want to know. The glasses I wear today have almost no rose color left in the lenses. I've tasted the ugliness of sin & the trauma of body life but I've also experienced changed lives & the power of the Gospel to mold unlikely candidates into the express image of Christ. And because of that last part...I'll gladly renew my contract.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Guys Only E-Book

Wow! Every 'Christian' guy age 13 & up needs to read this e-book. WARNING: You will be offended by Driscoll's starkness & language. This book is free & is being released a chapter at a time. Here's a brief excerpt:
In 1 Corinthians 6:9–10, Paul says, “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters . . . will inherit the kingdom of God.” Clearly, God takes the sexual sins of his men so seriously that men who remain enslaved to sexual sin will die in their sins and wake up in the eternal torments of hell. Sure, the naked people you like looking at are hot… but so is hell.
This book is NOT for the fainthearted & is geared towards men specifically. I hope every guy I know has the guts to read it.
I wholeheartedly recommend "Porn-Again Christian" to all my guys. Check it out for your self

Monday, October 6, 2008

Praying for Dad Adrian

My Father in law, Bob Adrian, has been quite sick for the past week. He has been the Pastor of the Liberty Baptist Church for the past 11 or 12 years. He's got flu like symptoms with pervasive weakness & high fever. Mom Adrian is not a worry wart at all but she is very concerned. "Dad is just totally exhausted. Everything has caught up with him." I understand in a very small way. Ministry is tough. Being a Pastor is hazardous to your health...literally. My Father in law is one of the best pastors I know. I have always considered him to be my Pastor. The longer I'm in the ministry, the more respect I have for guys like Dad who have somehow been able to gut it out all these years. Dad is my mentor in ministry. So much of my pulpit ministry is flavored by his example. When I served with him in Florida (the good old days) I would get after him for being so down when people left the church. Most of the time these folks 'needed to go' & I couldn't for the life of me figure out what his problem was. Well now I am the Senior Pastor & I TOTALLY understand his grief. Even now I still grieve the death of relationships that I've experienced in my eight years here at this church. One of my best friends recently left the church & I don't ever expect to get over it. The pain is deep and stark. Well meaning people (like I was in Florida) try to 'help' but it doesn't work because they don't understand. You add up a lifetime of that kind of regular suffering & it explains why a strong, faithful Shepherd could be emotionally & physically wiped out.
I owe a great debt to Dad for so much of my current blessings. My wife being the first & greatest of those blessings. He was & is a wonderful Dad & I have reaped the benefit from his parenting. Please pray for him. Pray that God would not only restore his health but also his heart. Pray that he will be filled with a holy boldness & an unshakable faith. Pray that God will answer Dad's fervent prayer that he will 'finish well'.
We love you Dad and we are all praying for your complete restoration.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Wise Man...

I have been sitting under some of the best Bible teaching that I've ever heard. Dr. James Raiford has been teaching our A.B.C. 08 (Autumn Bible Conference) this week. What a joy to hear a man so carefully & accurately communicate the Word of God! Let me encourage you to download his teachings at the end of this week at the Church of the Wildwood's Web site. The theme of our conference is "The Sufficiency of Scripture". His pulpit ministry is just tops, a real expositor. There is, however, another side to this man. I've been spending time with him one on one & at the tables of many of our Church members. We 'discussed' Calvinism vs Arminianism yesterday at lunch. We were in the home of one of our church families. I lean far more toward Calvinism & Dr. Raiford more towards Armenianism (though neither of us to an extreme). Here's what amazed me. This man is so very gracious in his disagreement. He is also so very careful not to destroy me in debate in front of my people (I am very sure he could easily do this with one half of his brain tied behind his back). I even had to encourage him to speak more freely so as to get a better understanding of his opposing position. Wow! That is so very impressive to me. I guess I'm still young & when I'm right & I know it, I can have a tendency to blow away any & all dissenting views. A wise man can rest in his wisdom & win his opponents with grace. Dr. James Raiford is a truly wise man.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Biting the Bullet

Today was one of those days you dread. My daughter Anna brought 'Bullet' to our family in April. He was a stray puppy that was headed for the pound. Anna talked me into keeping him & that wasn't too hard as his disposition was very gentle & sweet. Bullet & our dog Trigger were seeming to get along well but I told my children that as soon as Bullet got bigger than Trigger we'd have a fight on our hands. From day one, Trigger let Bullet know who was boss which was fine with meek Bullet. I noticed that lately Trigger was more aggressive towards him. It is turning fall & something 'turns on' in Trigger this time of year. He's a full blooded mountain curr & hunting & tracking are in his blood. The two dogs got out Wednesday & went running. When they came home, Bullet was limping & bleeding. It was obvious that he had been attacked & it was also obvious that his front fore leg was severely broken.
I didn't sleep at all Wednesday evening knowing what I had to do the next morning. I already prepared the kids & told them that surgery was out of the question. Anna slept on the dining room floor with Bullet for much of that night. She somehow knew & it was so painful to watch.
One of the men in my church happened to be in my office when Paul Jr. told me about Bullet's leg. He too knew what would most likely outcome of it & he gave me his vets name & graciously said the He & his Wife would like to take care of the bill. Talk about making a horrible day so much better. Just to see that level of compassion & caring.
When Zack & I came home from the vet without Bullet, the whole house just seemed empty. Sam came running out to meet me and said rather matter of factly, "Well, did you kill Bullet"? I need to talk to that boy about tact even though he's only three. Everyone was heart sick so I loaded them all up & took them to Wafflehouse for breakfast. Yea, I had to bite the bullet today & man did that hurt.

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Beautiful Site...

I agree with John Piper who said in a message, "Every day that you don't wake up in hell is a great day" I know what I deserve & what I don't. I am also learning WHY God delights in giving...because the giver gets the glory. I know you're probably wondering what the above pic has to do with my theological rambling...well I'll tell you:
My dear wife INSISTED on the family taking this pic on our last evening on our way cool vacation. No one wanted to do it but she pulled the mommy card & we all came under conviction & cooperated. This very pic is the ONLY one of all of us together in our travels & it also happens to be my favorite. Here's the connection: I don't deserve my wife & I know it. On her worst day (& she's had them) she is still light years ahead of me. She's taken a pretty tough stance around our house lately & we've all been kind of watching to see is its for real. Well, it is. I am amazed at her utter wisdom & tenacity. She has inspired me to be a better husband and father without one word of nagging. She's done it by her example and she probably doesn't even know it. I thank God for the privilege to have Elizabeth for my completer. As you should know by now, I don't believe in luck or happenstance. God gave her to me plain & simple. Like most of His gifts, I didn't realize what I had at first & I'm ashamed to say how long it has taken me to realize what jewel of a woman she is. Nope, I don't deserve her...that's called grace.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lest We Forget...

Do you remember where you were when our nation was attacked by Islamic cowards seven years ago? I was walking down my hall to leave for the office. My Mother in law was visiting & she had the TV on fox news. There was one of the World Trade Center Towers with billowing smoke coming out of it. "What happened?" I asked. She said a plane ran into the tower. No sooner did she get that out of her mouth than both of us saw the second plane. When it hit, my heart sank...this was no accident. Then came the news of the pentagon & the heroism on flight 93.

I watched some clips of the various memorials around the country today. When I saw those people holding up pictures of their loved ones who perished in these cowardly acts, my heart sank again. Its only been seven years yet we have forgotten. Those who lost spouses & children & friends...they haven't forgotten. How is it that we forget so soon? At least half of this country has forgotten why we are fighting in Iraq & Afghanistan. There hasn't been another 9/11 since but that has come at the price of even more American blood.

Forgive us Lord for we have a poor memory. We have 'gotten over' the horror of 9/11 because it is in the past & we have been indoctrinated to 'live for today'. Forgive us for not lifting to You in prayer the shattered families that lie scattered in the wake of this dark day in our national history. Forgive us Lord for forgetting. Please Father, intervene in every family touched by this tragedy. Bring this nation back in line with your will and your ways. Raise up your Church & restore your heart to her. May she be a beacon of hope in this sin saturated United States of America. Teach her to so love your Son that she loves her fellow man. Raise us up to be your healing & America's hope.

In Jesus' Name...Let it be