Monday, October 6, 2008

Praying for Dad Adrian

My Father in law, Bob Adrian, has been quite sick for the past week. He has been the Pastor of the Liberty Baptist Church for the past 11 or 12 years. He's got flu like symptoms with pervasive weakness & high fever. Mom Adrian is not a worry wart at all but she is very concerned. "Dad is just totally exhausted. Everything has caught up with him." I understand in a very small way. Ministry is tough. Being a Pastor is hazardous to your health...literally. My Father in law is one of the best pastors I know. I have always considered him to be my Pastor. The longer I'm in the ministry, the more respect I have for guys like Dad who have somehow been able to gut it out all these years. Dad is my mentor in ministry. So much of my pulpit ministry is flavored by his example. When I served with him in Florida (the good old days) I would get after him for being so down when people left the church. Most of the time these folks 'needed to go' & I couldn't for the life of me figure out what his problem was. Well now I am the Senior Pastor & I TOTALLY understand his grief. Even now I still grieve the death of relationships that I've experienced in my eight years here at this church. One of my best friends recently left the church & I don't ever expect to get over it. The pain is deep and stark. Well meaning people (like I was in Florida) try to 'help' but it doesn't work because they don't understand. You add up a lifetime of that kind of regular suffering & it explains why a strong, faithful Shepherd could be emotionally & physically wiped out.
I owe a great debt to Dad for so much of my current blessings. My wife being the first & greatest of those blessings. He was & is a wonderful Dad & I have reaped the benefit from his parenting. Please pray for him. Pray that God would not only restore his health but also his heart. Pray that he will be filled with a holy boldness & an unshakable faith. Pray that God will answer Dad's fervent prayer that he will 'finish well'.
We love you Dad and we are all praying for your complete restoration.

2 comments: said...

Please know we are praying.

Dar & Family

Anonymous said...

You brought me to tears. I know you understand and have always tried to be an encouragement to him. Thanks for writing such a wonderful post. Miss you
Love, Mom (ADrian)