Random Thoughts about the Church of the Wildwood's Worship - 11/16/08
- I need to act on Glen's October ideas in October
- It is REALLY cold on the LWW beach in mid-November
- My son's are troopers to work with/for/around me
- Dale Lancaster, Cal & Shawn Lynch, & Hayward & Andrew McKie & David Dziadul are my mighty men - faithful to a fault
- Dale needs to get a jacket! (Mike Glaze Jr.)
- Norma got all the food stuff ready early Sunday even though she had a big headache...Gotta love Norma!
- I love Jim but not his Gators knit hat!
- Church on the beach works better in the Summer
- Praise God for 70 plus Zealots who braved the cold & wind
- Calvary was raw
- My forgiveness is forever (bonfire anyone?)
- I am crucified with Christ...
- Remember...
- CWW is the eatingest Church I know...no body does it better than us
- Gospel part one: I'm not all right & neither are you
- Gospel part two: Christ is alllllllllllll right
- Gospel part three: God exchanged Christ's righteousness for our wretchedness
- My throat hurts after that sermon
- Sam wanted to know why I was mad at everyone at church today (I think this was related to the loud sermon)
- I love the cross
- The ground is level at the foot of the cross
- Today was a GREAT chili day!
- Happy Birthday Cherie!
- Happy Birthday Dale! (Tuesday)
- Happy Birthday Phil! - (Thursday)
- No Jan, I don't hate you (Jan LOVES the cold...really)
- Thanks Bob for the Lww help
- Kara...you are a miracle...God is watching out for you
- CWW is full of Zealots!
- I'm praying for my buddy Ray...Thanks for coming today.
- I love my church
- Next Sunday...we're gonna be WARM BABY!
- Your Pastor is the biggest loser in Lake Wildwood
Have I told you how much I am enjoying these Sunday Sentiments! Yes, Pastor Paul I do forgive you as well for freezing me to death yesterday morning. Very proud of your Biggest Loser WIN!
Love ya'll,
Yep...I must be a "Zealot" for giving up my warm house for the freezing beach on my birthday! Feeling the Holy Spirit move was well worth the trade.
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