Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Guys Only E-Book

Wow! Every 'Christian' guy age 13 & up needs to read this e-book. WARNING: You will be offended by Driscoll's starkness & language. This book is free & is being released a chapter at a time. Here's a brief excerpt:
In 1 Corinthians 6:9–10, Paul says, “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters . . . will inherit the kingdom of God.” Clearly, God takes the sexual sins of his men so seriously that men who remain enslaved to sexual sin will die in their sins and wake up in the eternal torments of hell. Sure, the naked people you like looking at are hot… but so is hell.
This book is NOT for the fainthearted & is geared towards men specifically. I hope every guy I know has the guts to read it.
I wholeheartedly recommend "Porn-Again Christian" to all my guys. Check it out for your self


Matt Benzing said...

"Clearly, God takes the sexual sins of his men so seriously that men who remain enslaved to sexual sin will die in their sins and wake up in the eternal torments of hell. "

Just curious: how do you reconcile a statement like that with a belief in eternal security (and the author could be an Armenian for all I know, but I've seen the same types of statements made by Baptists)? Would you say that someone who is 'truly saved' could never become enmeshed in this sort of behavior? Also, if only people who have accepted Christ go to Heaven, than why are various types of sinners threatened with hell? If all non-Christians are damned, then does it matter what they do? Isn't threatening them with hell redundant?
In all seriousness, I've never understood how to square those passages with 'once saved always saved'.

Unknown said...

The author is far from an Armenian. However, there does seem to be a tension in scripture between righteous living & sin. While scripture is replete with the perseverance of the saints, it also leaves little room for consistent low living while naming Christ.
My take is that we are secure in Christ & that we are free from sin, not to sin. The focus for me is not to see how much sin I can have & still have Christ. I fear that is a lot of the attitude. I just taught on Romans 6 a couple of Sundays ago. It will be up on my church site this weekend.
We need never take our position for granted.