Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lest We Forget...

Do you remember where you were when our nation was attacked by Islamic cowards seven years ago? I was walking down my hall to leave for the office. My Mother in law was visiting & she had the TV on fox news. There was one of the World Trade Center Towers with billowing smoke coming out of it. "What happened?" I asked. She said a plane ran into the tower. No sooner did she get that out of her mouth than both of us saw the second plane. When it hit, my heart sank...this was no accident. Then came the news of the pentagon & the heroism on flight 93.

I watched some clips of the various memorials around the country today. When I saw those people holding up pictures of their loved ones who perished in these cowardly acts, my heart sank again. Its only been seven years yet we have forgotten. Those who lost spouses & children & friends...they haven't forgotten. How is it that we forget so soon? At least half of this country has forgotten why we are fighting in Iraq & Afghanistan. There hasn't been another 9/11 since but that has come at the price of even more American blood.

Forgive us Lord for we have a poor memory. We have 'gotten over' the horror of 9/11 because it is in the past & we have been indoctrinated to 'live for today'. Forgive us for not lifting to You in prayer the shattered families that lie scattered in the wake of this dark day in our national history. Forgive us Lord for forgetting. Please Father, intervene in every family touched by this tragedy. Bring this nation back in line with your will and your ways. Raise up your Church & restore your heart to her. May she be a beacon of hope in this sin saturated United States of America. Teach her to so love your Son that she loves her fellow man. Raise us up to be your healing & America's hope.

In Jesus' Name...Let it be


amazonmama said...

Excellent article, Paul. Thank you for bring our perspective back around to where it belongs.

Chuck said...

I was in transit to NY when the first plane struck - I called Rebecca and she had the same experience as you shortly after turning the News on. It was a strange feeling when I started seeing billboards that stated "NY City Closed"
The pilot of the 2nd plane was attended Rebecca's Uncles church, The amazing part of the day was a coworker was scheduled to work in the 1st tower but was late due to his daughter missing her school bus, he was 2 blocks away when it happened. It was a day I will never forget - especially the good will of the people who were selfless in their sacrifice to aid those who were in harms way. said...

A big hearty Amen!

Anonymous said...

I am sad that so many in this country do not place the blame or accountablity with those responsible for these acts but rather are angry with our govenrment for standing up for ourselves and letting these cowards know that we will not condone acts of terrorism and that we will defend our freedom and our citizens.

Matt Benzing said...


I was reading your blog today and had to comment on this:

"At least half of this country has forgotten why we are fighting in Iraq & Afghanistan."

As I recall, we are fighting in Afghanistan because it was a base for the Al Qaeda organization that carried out the 9/11 attacks. We are fighting in Iraq because our incompetent president and his hubristic advisors thought they could remake the Middle East in their own image, and had no qualms about deceiving the American people in order to carry out this crackpot scheme. The war in Afghanistan was necessary; the war in Iraq was not, and has resulted in the needless sacrifice of American lives and the bankrupting of our country.

Unknown said...

I don't share your view about our reasons for being in Iraq. There were compelling reasons to put an end to the threat of WMD's. The liberal media spin has been just what you have asserted & there is no way to validate it and in my humble is a stretch at best.
I'd also say to keep your seat belt on because Iran is next. It will probably be Israel that does it but there is no way, unless you're Obama, a sane person could view Iran as anything but a dangerous rogue nation on the cusp of nuclear weapons. You don't wait for terrorists to strike first.