Tuesday, June 2, 2009

In Celebration of a Good Man

The 'Farm Bureau' Cake Co-workers
Good friends

Well, Jim Williams has finally retired after nearly 40 years with Farm Bureau. Jim was the head of the Pulpit committee that brought us to the Church of the Wildwood. He & Norma have been like parents to us. In fact, Jim reminds me very much of my own Father...stoic, pragmatic, but acutly caring underneath it all. Norma got some of these pictures together for his celebration on Sunday. It was fun to hear all the "Jim" stories from friends, co-workers, & family. Through all the laughter & stories, one common theme emerged: FAITHFULNESS. Jim Williams is a faithful man.

I don't know if there's a better tribute to a man than to call him faithful. Jim loves Jesus Christ & has been so faithful in his walk with Him. I've seen Jim on the mountain top & in the valley of the shadow of death & he's the same man in both situations.

We've been in some ministry scapes together & some of those were all out battles. I've seen Jim difuse a heated situation with a calm, Spirit filled word. As proverbs says, a soft answer turns away wrath...

Norma was thrilled to finally have suprised Jim with this celebration party. Its hard to 'get over' on a guy like Jim but she did.

We had so much fun celebrating this man's faithfulness. May God allow him to finish as well as he has been up to now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finish well but not soon Brother Jim. We loved seeing you surprised and blessed. You have no idea what a blessing you are safe travels and joy in the years ahead. Love Tony and Judy