Friday, September 5, 2008

Not Gonna Bow!

Well it's official...If Obama gets elected then we're in the last days...The Lord is returning (or taking office if you're a dem). My daughter Anna is all tied up in knots because she's heard this from several people who she looks up to. I remember the same fears getting their nasty hooks in my soul when I was her age only the culprit then was all communists not just Obama. Little ears heard adults talk about Christians being tortured in the U.S.S.R. & they are sure that this fate will be theirs before school lets out that year. I had a talk with Anna and tried to help her think through her fear, find the holes, & sleep sweet & secure in Jesus (who's coming back with or without Obama's presidency)

On the other side of the coin, all our evangelical leaders & followers (blind?) have just finished being disgusted with the lib's fawning all over their 'Savior' Obama & they are doing the same thing with Palin. She's the answer, a pitbull with lipstick, the Savior in a dress (again).

Can I throw up now?

Isaiah 31:1 says it well, "Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help And rely on horses, And trust in chariots because they are many And in horsemen because they are very strong, But they do not look to the Holy One of Israel, nor seek the LORD!"

I believe it is a believer's privilege & duty to do ALL WE CAN to stem the tide of evil & to respect & elect our Civil leaders. HOWEVER, David didn't say in the 121st Psalm, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the White House, from whence commeth my help?" Do you know why they say that Politics & Religion don't mix? Because they tend to be mutually exclusive gods. To my fellow saints, Idols come in many forms & parties. The second we look to our elected servants as THE ANSWER, we have drunk the kool-aide & bowed the knee to the golden calf. As I recall, God wasn't too pleased with the golden calf party...the discipline was deadly.

I am voting this November so save that response. I am still not sure for who yet but I am sure who I'm not voting for as the right to life is the main issue in my mind & on my heart.

I agree with Churchill when he said, "All that it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing"
That is not an option for me & I hope it isn't an option for you. What is also not an option is to make the deadly error of turning the Duty of election into deadly idolatry.
I will pull that lever this November but I will never bow my knee to a party, politician or a platform.


Chuck said...

Well no matter how evil he is I take comfort in the fact that he cannot be the antichrist - He is not swave enough to rally both sides of the aisle, But he could be paving the way!

Unknown said...

You know what would be a hoot? If McCain really was a believer & you end up right next to him in heaven.
Just food for thought

Anonymous said...

I think conservatives needed someone to get excited about because all we heard for a year was OBAMA, OBAMA, McCain, who really scares us if we're honest, gives us a solid talk it and walk it pro-life conservative christian for our VP pick. Forgive us our exuberance. The liberal left and the so called media did such a nasty, vicious hit job on Gov. Palin and it has back fired in a big way. Huckabee likened it to Joseph when he told his brothers "But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good". I rest in the knowledge that however it turns out it will be the good and perfect will of our loving and merciful God.


Anonymous said...

Rebecca once wrote a letter to Pres. Jimmy Carter asking him to take of the communist and he wrote her back. She was so scared he would not do anything. She share this with me today.
Also, I agree,the only one who can save this Nation is God Himself. God can use anyone to accomplish HIS plan and HE does. The only problem is, people have to read the WORD to find out how. II Chron. 7:14 If MY people which are called by MY name shall humble themselves and many people pray???? Our nation, our churches and our homes tell us that as believers we have let down the guard and become so caught up in the cares of this world we should be ashamed. Just a thought. Love ya, Mom (Adrian)

Chuck said...

I pray that he is - I know only God knows his heart but as a believer I must judge his actions (can you say anger issues) and especially his vocabulary! What would even be a bigger hoot is if Obama was there (for more than his judgment meeting with the Lord)!
Paul here is something to think about and hopefully inspire you to post about:
The one thing that the USA has going for it is the fact that we have always stood up for Israel. God said that he would bless those who defended his childern and curse those who went against them. I have confidence that McCain would continue to support Israel but due to several muslim comments made my Obama I must admit I am a little nervous. Any thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Well thats a sobering thought about Obama & Isreal...and by the way Paul, I will not bow down to any preacher either...LOL
Love Ya, Mom Adrian
Sherry you are right on, Amen Sister

Anonymous said...

We must never worship or bow down to any but GOD. Remember how many times I have told you "if you can't say anything good don't say anything at all" Politics can be sticky and our vote and our finite wisdom must depend on the leading from our LORD. In the meantime Ps 141:3 is a great verse to apply. lol your Mom Dziadul