Saturday, June 26, 2010

20 Pounds in 2 weeks!

What a STRESS FILLED WEEK!!! My doctor once told me that I was a 'stress eater' - not that I consume stress but I consume everything in sight when I'm stressed.
Well this week has been one of the most stressful in my memory - which admitedly is not at all what it used to be.
I wasn't able to get on the scale this morning so I had to wait until this evening.
The result...5 more pounds GONE!!!
That equates to 20 pounds in two weeks.
The amazing part is that I'm not hungry, not dieting, & the cravings are still absent even in the midst of a VERY stressful week.
The only answer is that the Zija system works!
You really need to check it out for yourself.
Beth's b/p this week was 106/62! Lowest in her adult life. Zija has given us our health back.
We're having another meeting this Monday at the Church of the Wildwood at 7 pm. You need to come & get the 'skinny' on God's amazing Moringa tree!
My energy level has been phenominal this week. Call me impressed.

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