Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday Sentiments

  • We've actually FINISHED Ephesians 5!
  • Chapter 6 here we come...
  • Could we really finish Ephesians in 2009?
  • Great Q&A with the men Sunday
  • We have some really salty guys & I pray that our young men are catching it
  • I've heard nothing but good things from the ladies teaching time
  • I'm thankful for a gracious wife who is willing to step way out of her comfort zone to cooperate with her husband & please our Lord
  • I never realized how many men we have until we all filled up the fellowship hall
  • Ladies talk: Submission, Respect, & Contentment
  • Men's talk: Responsibilities: Follow Christ, Lead & Love your wife & family
  • "We will one day stand before God & present our wives back to him. Our duty is to give back to Him a wife who looks more like Christ than when we got her from Him"
  • "When a man abdicates his responsibilities, he forces his wife to learn to live with out him"
  • "When a man abuses his responsibilities, he forces his wife to run or retaliate"
  • I'm so glad to have brothers that I can look to for an example to me & not the other way around
  • I have great hope for our young married men who are walking wisely before God
  • Next Week: Ephesians 6!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Junior Camp

Run John, Run the Law demands
But gives us neither feet nor hands
Far better news the Gospel brings
It bids us fly & gives us wings
-John Bunyon-
We spent a busy & fun week with 120 folks at Junior camp last week. I taught on "Law & Grace". Really I taught 90% on the Commandments & 10% on Grace which is a good rule of thumb when you think about it. Below is the hand motions to commandment #2 - no graven images. I taught these hand motions 2 years ago & some of the children still remembered them. Amazing! One of the 'Great Finds' before camp was a DVD by a group called the Go Fish Guys. I was searching for a great 10 commandments song. I found some real hinky songs but one called "The Ten Commandment Boogie" was a hit with my son Sam. Below is a pic of my girls & Emily doing the motions to it. I encourage you to check their music out at
Here's Sam doing the motions as well - This is to the line..."...the 10 commandment boogie, gonna dance it till I die..."

The material was from John Piper's church & it was excellent. I had to combine the commandment teachings as each commandment was a stand alone lesson. Due to only having 10 chapel services, I had to combine 2 commandments per lesson. As a result, I couldn't go near as deep as the material did. I had to carve a lot of good stuff out.

The lesson on commandment #7 had me in knots. How do you teach 3rd - 5th grade kids about adultery & why its a bad idea. How do you even define it? God was gracious. Camp Definition: Adultery is treating another person who isn't your husband/wife like they were your husband/wife.
Would you believe it was that lesson that broke the hearts of many of the kids?! They are living with the fruit of unfaithfulness & I never really gave that a thought. I took an egg & dropped it on the floor to illustrate how being unfaithful destroys a family. When I looked back up from that, many children & even some of the teen counsellors were wiping away tears.
Several children came under the conviction of the Holy Spirit & confessed Christ as Savior. My little cousin Becky being one of them.
Some of the most dear & lovely Christians I know are Camp Eunice regulars. I praise God for the opportunity to invest a week in the lives of those young people.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

'New' Car for Beth

First I want to thank God for his incredible provision for our needs as a family. I thank God for my sister-in-law Rebecca for sending me a book by a guy named Dave Ramsey. The pain of bringing my finances under control has yeilded the fruit of being debt free with the exception of the house (see my post in 8 years). I also learned to save for future needs & to pay CASH.
Well, we paid our van off a year ago & I just kept paying myself the same payment. Fast forward to today.
I was wanting a late model 3 seat wagon that had low miles (under 75 k) that would get 20 or abobe mpg around town. Enter "Auto Trader.Com". I found a 96 Oldsmobile Ciera SL, 3 seater, one owner, clean car fax, 58,000 original miles & has been garaged the whole time. It runs like a charm & doesn't shake at 85. The interior is amazing. I don't think the second & third rows have ever been sat in.
The best part is that CASH in hand got me a GREAT deal & NO PAYMENTS (except the ones I continue to make to myself)
Thank you God my Father for your amazing provision.
Enjoy it Beth...I love you...