Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Emergent See

You knew it was coming. It didn't take a crystal ball or even very much foresight. The "love child" of the seeker sensitivity on steroids movement is the "Emergent Conversation" ('church' is now a 4 letter word). Imagine a 'church' where there were no rules except the rule that there are no rules, truth was relegated to evolving experience (IE- I get to create it for me & its OK as long as I don't 'force it' on you), and we finally get to be ourselves without judgement. Add in some very brilliant & affable charismatic leaders and a generation of disillusioned spoiled brats now grown to the age of adulthood and you have the emergent conversation. Here's the slick part of the movement though - it CONTAINS truth. The same words are used only the definitions are different. The motivation for it is altruistic and admirable. The result however is one of the most dangerous movements that the church has seen in decades, perhaps centuries.
The lesson to take away is that we had better stick to the Word of God alone. The old Reformers understood this even though many of them weren't able to pull it off. Sola Scriptura baby! The new battle cry for the 21st century reformation! I pray God will grant it.

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