Thursday, November 15, 2007

When Men Decorate

The men of our Church provided the "flowers" for Sunday Worship last week. I really liked it! We've had a new family visiting for the past 2 weeks. Nate commented after their first visit that the sanctuary reminded him of a lodge. All that is missing is the deer head. This past Sunday he came in & said, "There it is!"
My sermon was on 'INVESTMENT' - the principle taught by Christ that your heart/love follows your investment/treasure & not the other way around. Our church finances are not near what they should be & I am so praying that God speaks to his children & captures their hearts for the Kingdom.
Everybody needs to invest where they are fed. It must start in the local church.
All the hunting paraphernalia was a big object lesson on your heart following your treasure. The reason I spend so many miserable mornings shivering in the woods is because my investment in hunting equipment is large. I think folks got the message - the offering was better. The proof is in the pudding as they say.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

You can't deny it was a large attention getter!! And probably made the point extremely visible!! Glad to hear about visitors. That helps too.