I haven't had the flu in 12 years...all good things comes to he who waits! I got hit with it Monday evening - Aches, chills, fever, chest pains - the whole 9 yards! Baby Emma got it earlier on Monday & Ben had it over the weekend. Sam got hit with it last night at 3 am when his dinner came up & out. Note to self - no sick ones on the top bunks...gravity is not pretty when wed to the flu. He also just threw up all the way down the hall what sounded like gallons. Of course he stopped right at the bathroom door...go figure. One of our church members Face Booked me & asked if she could bring us anything. I replied, "A mop carried by a Nanny. My wife is about to lose what little of her mind she still has." Its been one of those weeks.
Anna just came out & stated she is feeling sick! Please God, don't let Beth get this mess. Ellie is also complaining of a sore throat.
I just couldn't stand to be in bed by Tuesday late morning. Beth kept trying to shew me back to bed but I wasn't having it. It hurts to just lay there. I'm still achy but it's not so painful. I'm left with a rough & painful cough.
I am not a good patient. My wife reminds me of that often. She's been such a trooper though all of this. I am a blessed man to be sure.
God has been so good to me & my little family. Pray for my older sons. They both want to attend Toccoa Christian College in the fall but money is the only barrior. Pray for God's provision.