Sammy is learning self control...slowly. When he is just in a bad mood and being contrary, I give him one chance to "control himself". I get down on his lever and make eye contact. Then I tell him in a calm but firm voice, "Samuel Isaac, go sit on the fireplace until you're done crying." It usually takes about 15 - 30 seconds as he crys it out and then comes back to me and whispers, "Daddy, baby done crying." Then we celebrate his victory.
You know, my heavenly Father does the same thing with me. I've spent months "sitting on the fireplace" as it were. Pouting & fussing because I'm not getting my way. It still amazes me how long I tend to spend on the "fireplace". Finally, I figure out that God is bigger than me and that sitting on his lap, in intimate fellowship with him is far better than sitting, estranged from him, on the hard hearth. Finally I "come to my senses", the Bible defines this as Repentance, and I go to him and say, "Daddy, I'm done crying". Then we celebrate His victory in me. How great is my God!