Saturday, October 9, 2010

Say Hello To My Little Friend

Beth & I were coming home from the store the other evening & as she started around the van I heard her scream. I've lived with her long enough to know that it was a "big bug or reptile" scream as opposed to a mouse scream which can break glass...but that's for another post.
I quickly came to her side & she said, "Its a snake". It was dark outside but I could see a small coiled snake not too far from her foot. The snake thought better of it & slithered under the van. "I don't like the shape of that snake" I said as I quickly retrieved my flashlight & machete. I could only see the outline of it but it had a thick body & a triangular head - tell tale markings of a pit viper.
By the time I got back out to the drive, the snake was making a break for it-heading under the wagon. I foolishly tried to cover it with my hat it struck at me - barely missing my hand. The next time I used the machete to try to hold it down. It saw that coming & went under the car.
I met it coming out the front of the car & was able to get the flashlight on it - It had the Hershey kiss marking all the way up it's body. The only snake in north America that has that is a copperhead.
It coiled again...and for the last time. The machete made short work of the little viper. I don't kill snakes unless they are venomous & near my house. If I had come across that viper in the woods, I'd have let it go in peace.
The light green tail is interesting. I thought maybe it was used by this juvenile snake to attract small lizards or other such critters for it to eat.
I'm sure thankful that my bride didn't step on that thing & that it decided to flee rather than fight as she almost stepped on it.

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