Friday, November 30, 2007

Through Zack's Eyes

Just when life trys to get a little normal & boring, Zack jumps in & keeps it all interesting. We were putting up the Christmas tree last night. Zack, in his "Zack world" got the idea to take some pics of the lights while shaking his camera. He also had to put it on a certain setting. Anyhow, above is the result plus several more.
They say that art imitates life. Well, this 'art' very well imitates our life with my creative, passionate, & humorous son Zack. I love that kid.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Scoping Integrity

I don't know if you read my "When Men Decorate" post a few weeks ago but this is "the rest of the story". After our fellowship meal was done & we were starting to close up the church, I asked my sons to start loading the truck with all the hunting equipment. Their friends, Ian & Seth, gladly lent a hand. A few minutes later, Ian came to me rather sheepishly and said, "I have a confession". He then told me that he dropped my rifle. "Is it ok?" I asked. He told me that it was leaing up against the truck and it fell over. I wasn't too concerned except that it may have knocked the scope out of alignment. Ian then offered to take it home & sight it in. They have a shooting range on their property - gotta love Georgia! The next day he called me to tell me that it was all set. Then he dropped the bomb on me. "I decided to buy a new scope & install it for you. It is all lined up, when can I drop it off?" "Now would be fine" was my shocked response. Long story short, the other scope was fine but he just wanted to honor his friend & pastor. It wasn't just any scope either. A Nikon Pro Staff 3x9x40 - Crystal clear!
Here's what blew me away beside the price tag, Ian is 17 & works part time for another brother in our church. I called his Dad, one of my best friends, to affirm that his character (Don has a deep, strong, & solid ethic) has taken root in his son. Don told Ian that he could drop his rifle too.
What makes a 17 year old young man that generous & honorable? A faithful set of parents thats who. A fella showed up at church one wednesday & Don asked him where he was staying. Long story short, he had been transfered from out west & was waiting for his house to sell. His hotel allowance was up in a few days. Don invited him to stay with them until things got worked out. I think it was about a month or so before his house sold & his family were able to come here. He stayed with Don & his family that whole time. It doesn't take a Nikon Pro Staff scope to see the integrity of the father showing up in the son.
The Church needs more parents like Don & Lisa & more sons like Ian.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Context is King

I'm reminded over & over just how dangerous the Bible is when interpreted IN context. Taken OUT of context it is down right lethal. When the text becomes bendable to our whims & fancies it is then that we have created "truth" (ie- a lie)in our own image. There is too much to lose and nothing to gain by employing a lazy hermeneutic to our Bible reading, study, & teaching. Yes, it is a lot more work to get it right but in light of the we really have a choice? Check out this site for some humor at the expense of the "Emergent Church"

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sign of the Times?

One of the Families in our Fellowship have a mobile sign company. Jim designed & installed this fantastic new sign for our church. We had good services today. After church we had a couple of families over our house for lunch. God has allowed some families to leave & he has also brought in others. I'm glad He's in control.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Last Monday we had a sort of "field trip" to Fort Discovery in Augusta Ga. It was a massive "hands on" science center. The highlight was the crazy gyrosphere. Your weight being shifted caused the thing to move in every direction. It demonstrated the law of cause & effect & inertia. Bottom line: it was a blast! Sam had a great time even though he got his head stuck in the astronaut cut out. One of the neat displays was the 'virtual' volley ball. It was RJ & I against James & Roston. What a blast!
The Smith family was in an accident on the way - just a couple of miles from the place. They were ok but their vehicle wasn't. They had to wait for a rental but the showed up around lunch time. I was so impressed with Randy (the husband). He was in Macon working & when his wife called, he was calm with his only concern being the safety of his family. His attitude was spot on as they say. I could only imagine if my reaction would be so gracious.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

When Men Decorate

The men of our Church provided the "flowers" for Sunday Worship last week. I really liked it! We've had a new family visiting for the past 2 weeks. Nate commented after their first visit that the sanctuary reminded him of a lodge. All that is missing is the deer head. This past Sunday he came in & said, "There it is!"
My sermon was on 'INVESTMENT' - the principle taught by Christ that your heart/love follows your investment/treasure & not the other way around. Our church finances are not near what they should be & I am so praying that God speaks to his children & captures their hearts for the Kingdom.
Everybody needs to invest where they are fed. It must start in the local church.
All the hunting paraphernalia was a big object lesson on your heart following your treasure. The reason I spend so many miserable mornings shivering in the woods is because my investment in hunting equipment is large. I think folks got the message - the offering was better. The proof is in the pudding as they say.
Christmas Giveaway 2007 Sweepstakes
Check out this blog site guys...great gifts for Mom!